Sunday 30 September 2012

FIELD TRIP DAY- 27TH Sept 2012

For our field trip day, we chose Amanora fire station to go to. All children looked very excited when they were told that we are going out for a little picnic. Two vehicles had been arranged for this day. We reached our destination around 11am. A big red fire engine stood near the entrance. The authorities at Amanora fire station were ready to give us a demonstration of how a fire engine works. A person dressed in a silver fire suit took us through the entire demonstration. We were shown to what great heights and lengths water can be thrown at. The children were told that when a fire engine is seen on the road, other vehicles make way for it, so that it can reach its destination without losing much time. The fireman then shook hands with the children and said bye to them. We ended the day by having some biscuits and appy juice which we had carried along with us.

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