Friday 9 November 2012

Diwali and Children's Day Celebration -9th Nov '12

Diwali and children’s day was celebrated on 9th November ’12. Children came to school in fancy dress. They were all given a different theme to follow. We had fairies, Lord Krishna, tribal, Goan, Bengali, Kashmiri girls and our own Chacha Nehru. Children played passing the parcel after which they were given some snacks to eat. Towards the end, each child was given a red rose made out of paper and ice cream stick along with a bag of goodies to be taken home. Our Principal, Mrs. David, gave out ‘Thank you’ cards to each of the parents, for their efforts and sincerity in making their child look so adorable.

Green Colour Day - 31st Oct '12

October 31st 2012 was green colour day at out school. We had charts put up on green colour. Children came dressed in green outfits. In tiffins, they got green vegetables with roti/ paratha. For their classroom activity, children were given green colour dough, which they were to roll out into chapatis with a rolling pin.

Navratri celebration on 19th Oct 2012

Navratri was celebrated on the 19th October ’12. The children came dressed to school in traditional outfits, looking their best and adorable in chanya cholis and kurta pyjamas. After morning assembly, the children gathered outside their classroom to dance on garba music. They were taught a few garba steps by their teachers which they followed meticulously.